And, following my logic, if
there are indeed many perished manuscripts with similar attributes, then,
I regret to say, your idol Balzac was just the beneficiary of disproportionate
luck compared to his peers. Furthermore, you may be committing an
injustice to others by favoring him.
My point, I will repeat, is not that Balzac is untalented, but that he is
less uniquely talented than we think. Just consider the thousands of writers
now completely vanished from consciousness: their record does not
1 0 4 UMBERTO E C O ' S A N T I U B R A RY
enter into analyses. We do not see the tons of rejected manuscripts because
these writers have never been published. The New Yorker alone rejects
close to a hundred manuscripts a day, so imagine the number of geniuses
that we will never hear about. In a country like France, where more people
write books while, sadly, fewer people read them, respectable literary
publishers accept one in ten thousand manuscripts they receive from firsttime
authors. Consider the number of actors who have never passed an
audition but would have done very well had they had that lucky break in
The next time you visit a Frenchman of comfortable means, you will
likely spot the stern books from the collection Biblioth猫que de la Pl茅iade,
which their owner will never, almost never, read, mostly on account of
their uncomfortable size and weight. Membership in the Pl茅iade means
membership in the literary canon. The tomes are expensive; they have the
distinctive smell of ultrathin India paper, compressing the equivalent of fifteen
hundred pages into the size of a drugstore paperback. They are supposed
to help you maximize the number of masterpieces per Parisian
square foot. The publisher Gallimard has been extremely selective in electing
writers into the Pl茅iade collection-only a few authors, such as the aesthete
and adventurer Andr茅 Malraux, have made it in while still alive.
Dickens, Dostoyevsky, Hugo, and Stendhal are in, along with Mallarm茅,
Sartre, Camus, and . . . Balzac. Yet if you follow Balzac's own ideas, which
I will examine next, you would accept that there is no ultimate justification
for such an official corpus.
Balzac outlined the entire business of silent evidence in his novel Lost
Illusions. Lucien de Rubempr茅 (alias of Lucien Chardon), the penurious
provincial genius, "goes up" to Paris to start a literary career. We are told
that he is talented鈥攁ctually he is told that he is talented by the semiaristocratic
set in Angoul锚me. But it is difficult to figure out whether this is
due to his good looks or to the literary quality of his works鈥攐r even
whether literary quality is visible, or, as Balzac seems to wonder, if it has
much to do with anything. Success is presented cynically, as the product of
wile and promotion or the lucky surge of interest for reasons completely
external to the works themselves. Lucien discovers the existence of the immense
cemetery inhabited by what Balzac calls "nightingales."
Lucien was told that this designation "nightingale" was given by
bookstores to those works residing on the shelves in the solitary depths
of their shops.
Balzac presents to us the sorry state of contemporary literature when
Lucien's manuscript is rejected by a publisher who has never read it; later
on, when Lucien's reputation has developed, the very same manuscript is
accepted by another publisher who did not read it either!