by Edward Hallett Carr. You will catch
him explicitly pursuing causation as a central aspect of his job. You can
even go higher up: Herodotus, deemed to be the father of the subject, defined
his purpose in the opening of his work:
To preserve a memory of the deeds of the Greeks and barbarians, "and
in particular, beyond everything else, to give a cause [emphasis mine]
to their fighting one another."
You see the same with all theoreticians of history, whether Ibn Khaldoun,
Marx, or Hegel. The more we try to turn history into anything other
than an enumeration of accounts to be enjoyed with minimal theorizing, the
more we get into trouble. Are we so plagued with the narrative fallacy?!
* Yogi Berra might have a theory of epilogism with his saying, "You can observe a
lot by just watching."
f While looking at the past it would be a good idea to resist na?ve analogies. Many
people have compared the United States today to Ancient Rome, both from a military
standpoint (the destruction of Carthage was often invoked as an incentive for
the destruction of enemy regimes) and from a social one (the endless platitudinous
warnings of the upcoming decline and fall). Alas, we need to be extremely careful
in transposing knowledge from a simple environment that is closer to type 1, like
the one we had in antiquity, to today's type 2, complex system, with its intricate
webs of casual links. Another error is to draw casual conclusions from the absence
of nuclear war, since, invoking the Casanova argument of Chapter 8,1 would repeat
that we would not be here had a nuclear war taken place, and it is not a good
idea for us to derive a "cause" when our survival is conditioned on that cause.
2 0 0 WE J U S T C A N ' T PREDICT
We may have to wait for a generation of skeptical-empiricist historians
capable of understanding the difference between a forward process and a
reverse one.
Just as Popper attacked the historicists in their making claims about
the future, I have just presented the weakness of the historical approach in
knowing the past itself.
After this discussion about future (and past) blindness, let us see what to
do about it. Remarkably, there are extremely practical measures we can
take. We will explore this next.
Chapter Thirteen
You should charge people for advice鈥擬y two cents here鈥擭obody knows
anything, but, at least, he knows it鈥擥o to parties
It is not a good habit to stuff one's text with quotations from prominent
thinkers, except to make fun of them or provide a historical reference.
They "make sense," but well-sounding maxims force themselves on our
gullibility and do not always stand up to empirical tests. So I chose the ioU
lowing statement by the 霉berphilosopher Bertrand Russell precisely because
I disagree with it.
The demand for certainty is one which is natural to man, but is nevertheless
an intellectual vice. If you take your children for a picnic on a
doubtful day, they will demand a dogmatic answer as to whether it
will be fine or wet, and be disappointed in you when you cannot be
sure. . . .
* This chapter provides a general conclusion for those who by now say, "Taleb, I get
the point, but what should I do?" My answer is that if you got the point, you are
pretty much there. But here is a nudge.
2 0 2 WE J U S T C A N ' T PREDICT
The reader may be surprised that I disagree. It is hard to disagree that
the demand for certainty is an intellectual vice. It is hard to disagree
that we can be led astray by some cocksure prophet. Where I beg to differ
with the great man is that I do not believe in the track record of advicegiving
"philosophy" in helping us deal with the problem; nor do I believe
that virtues can be easily taught; nor do I urge people to strain in order to
avoid making a judgment. Why?