ve observer to be more profitable than they seemed. Insurance companies
are of two kinds: the regular diversifiable kind that belongs to Mediocristan (say,
life insurance) and the more critical and explosive Black Swan-prone risks that are
usually sold to reinsurers. According to the data, reinsurers have lost money on underwriting
over the past couple of decades, but, unlike bankers, they are introspective
enough to know that it actually could have been far worse, because the past
twenty years did not have a big catastrophe, and all you need is one of those per
century to kiss the business good-bye. Many finance academics doing "valuation"
on insurance seem to have missed the point.
A P P E L L E S T H E P A I N T E R , O R W H A T D O Y O U D O I F Y O U C A N N O T P R E D I C T ? 2 09
an appointment, cancel anything you have planned: you may never
see such a window open up again. I am sometimes shocked at how
little people realize that these opportunities do not grow on trees.
Collect as many free nonlottery tickets (those with open-ended
payoffs) as you can, and, once they start paying off, do not discard
them. Work hard, not in grunt work, but in chasing such opportunities
and maximizing exposure to them. This makes living in
big cities invaluable because you increase the odds of serendipitous
encounters鈥攜ou gain exposure to the envelope of serendipity.
The idea of settling in a rural area on grounds that one has good
communications "in the age of the Internet" tunnels out of such
sources of positive uncertainty. Diplomats understand that very
well: casual chance discussions at cocktail parties usually lead to
big breakthroughs鈥攏ot dry correspondence or telephone conversations.
Go to parties! If you're a scientist, you will chance upon a
remark that might spark new research. And if you are autistic, send
your associates to these events.
d. Beware of precise plans by governments. As discussed in Chapter
10, let governments predict (it makes officials feel better about
themselves and justifies their existence) but do not set much store
by what they say. Remember that the interest of these civil servants
is to survive and self-perpetuate鈥攏ot to get to the truth. It does not
mean that governments are useless, only that you need to keep a
vigilant eye on their side effects. For instance, regulators in the
banking business are prone to a severe expert problem and they
tend to condone reckless but (hidden) risk taking. Andy Marshall
and Andy Mays asked me if the private sector could do better in
predicting. Alas, no. Once again, recall the story of banks hiding
explosive risks in their portfolios. It is not a good idea to trust corporations
with matters such as rare events because the performance
of these executives is not observable on a short-term basis, and
they will game the system by showing good performance so they
can get their yearly bonus. The Achilles' heel of capitalism is that if
you make corporations compete, it is sometimes the one that is
most exposed to the negative Black Swan that will appear to be the
most fit for survival. Also recall from the footnote on Ferguson's
discovery in Chapter 1 that markets are not good predictors of
wars. No one in particular is a good predictor of anything. Sorry.
2 1 0 WE J U S T C A N ' T P R E D I CT
e. "There are some people who, if they don't already know, you can't
tell 'em," as the great philosopher of uncertainty Yogi Berra once
said. Do not waste your time trying to fight forecasters, stock analysts,
economists, and social scientists, except to play pranks on
them. They are considerably easy to make fun of, and many get
angry quite readily. It is ineffective to moan about unpredictability:
people will continue to predict foolishly, especially if they are paid
for it, and you cannot put an end to institutionalized frauds. If you
ever do have to heed a forecast, keep in mind that its accuracy degrades
rapidly as you extend it through time.
If you hear a "prominent" economist using the word equilibrium,
or normal distribution, do not argue with him; just ignore
him, or try to put a rat down his shirt.
The Great Asymmetry
All these recommendations have one point in common: asymmetry. Put
yourself in situations where favorable consequences are much larger than
unfavorable ones.
Indeed, the notion of asymmetric outcomes as the central idea of this
book: I will never get to know the unknown since, by definition, it is unknown.
However, I can always guess how it might affect me, and I should
base my decisions around that.
This idea is often erroneously called Pascal's wager, after the philosopher
and (thinking) mathematician Blaise Pascal. He presented it something
like this: I do not know whether God exists, but I know that I have
nothing to gain from being an atheist if he does not exist, whereas I
have plenty to lose if he does. Hence, this justifies my belief in God.
Pascal's argument is severely flawed theologically: one has to be na?