I have written this entire book about the Black Swan. This is not because
I am in love with the Black Swan; as a humanist, I hate it. I hate most of
the unfairness and damage it causes. Thus I would like to eliminate many
Black Swans, or at least to mitigate their effects and be protected from
them. Fractal randomness is a way to reduce these surprises, to make some
of the swans appear possible, so to speak, to make us aware of their consequences,
to make them gray. But fractal randomness does not yield precise
answers. The benefits are as follows. If you know that the stock
market can crash, as it did in 1987, then such an event is not a Black
Swan. The crash of 1987 is not an outlier if you use a fractal with an exponent
of three. If you know that biotech companies can deliver a
megablockbuster drug, bigger than all we've had so far, then it won't be a
Black Swan, and you will not be surprised, should that drug appear.
Thus Mandelbrot's fractals allow us to account for a few Black Swans,
but not all. I said earlier that some Black Swans arise because we ignore
sources of randomness. Others arise when we overestimate the fractal exponent.
A gray swan concerns modelable extreme events, a black swan is
about unknown unknowns.
I sat down and discussed this with the great man, and it became, as
usual, a linguistic game. In Chapter 9 I presented the distinction economists
make between Knightian uncertainty (incomputable) and Knightian
risk (computable); this distinction cannot be so original an idea to be absent
in our vocabulary, and so we looked for it in French. Mandelbrot
mentioned one of his friends and prototypical heroes, the aristocratic
mathematician Marcel-Paul Schiitzenberger, a fine erudite who (like this
author) was easily bored and could not work on problems beyond their
point of diminishing returns. Schiitzenberger insisted on the clear-cut distinction
in the French language between hasard and fortuit. Hasard, from
the Arabic az-zahr, implies, like alea, dice鈥攖ractable randomness; fortuit
is my Black Swan鈥攖he purely accidental and unforeseen. We went to the
Petit Robert dictionary; the distinction effectively exists there. Fortuit
seems to correspond to my epistemic opacity, l'impr茅vu et non quantifiable;
hasard to the more ludic type of uncertainty that was proposed by
the Chevalier de M茅r茅 in the early gambling literature. Remarkably, the
Arabs may have introduced another word to the business of uncertainty:
rizk, meaning property.
I repeat: Mandelbrot deals with gray swans; I deal with the Black
Swan. So Mandelbrot domesticated many of my Black Swans, but not all
of them, not completely. But he shows us a glimmer of hope with his
method, a way to start thinking about the problems of uncertainty. You
are indeed much safer if you know where the wild animals are.
Chapter Seventeen
What?鈥擜nyone can become president鈥擜lfred Nobel's legacy鈥擳hose
medieval days
I have in my house two studies: one real, with interesting books and literary
material; the other nonliterary, where I do not enjoy working, where I
relegate matters prosaic and narrowly focused. In the nonliterary study
is a wall full of books on statistics and the history of statistics, books I
never had the fortitude to burn or throw away; though I find them largely
useless outside of their academic applications (Carneades, Cicero, and
Foucher know a lot more about probability than all these pseudosophisticated
volumes). I cannot use them in class because I promised myself never
to teach trash, even if dying of starvation. Why can't I use them?