Since this model first appeared, some psychologists have suggested that the cognitive component alone may
be both a necessary and sufficient component for the generation of emotion.
The Survival Value of Emotions
Plutchik, a psychologist who has done a great deal of research on emotion, says, “The organic tradition
reminds people of their biological connection to each other, and the survival value of emotions such as guilt,
shame, pity, remorse, gratitude, and empathy.” One could claim the emotions have survival value because
they have survived in the evolutionary process. However, social, political, and economic changes among
humans occur much more rapidly than evolutionary changes, and characteristics that were once adaptive
may cease to be adaptive as the environment changes.
The emotions that Plutchik mentions are related to altruism and cooperation. An individual with these
emotions may be at a disadvantage in competition with an individual who does not have these emotions
and is selfish and without conscience, as ordinary people are often the victims of people with antisocial
personalities. However, if all the members of a group or species were lacking in altruistic emotions, they
would find it difficult to form a cooperative society and might destroy each other.
Stress: Causes and Coping
Stress refers to the reaction of an individual to disturbing events in their environment. Our reaction to stress
is fundamentally physiological, with any or all of the following manifestations:
· A heightened state of awareness
· A dry mouth
· Increased heart rate
· Shaky hands
· Increased perspiration
One thing that makes stress difficult to define, explain, diagnose, and treat is that stress is a subjective state.
What stresses you may not stress other people. Negative or unpleasant events are more likely to be
perceived as stressful than positive events, although positive events such as childbirth can also be stressful.
Negative events cause more psychological distress and produce more physiological symptoms than do
positive events. Uncontrollable or unpredictable events are more stressful than those that are controllable or
predictable. Unpredictable events may be more stressful, because there is no opportunity to prepare for
coping with them. Ambiguous events are more stressful than are clear-cut events, whether the events are
good or bad. Ambiguous events can leave you stuck in a problem-solving stage in which you attempt to
understand what caused the event and its meaning.
Stress is a potential causal factor in illness, in that it can open the door for both physical and psychological
problems. Some of the earlier work in this area looked at the role played in illness by Major Stressful Life
Events (MSLE). This research showed the impact of MSLEs using a questionnaire entitled the Social
Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS). Each item on the scale has been given a certain number of points, with
higher numbers corresponding to more stressful events. Once a respondent has completed the scale, the
points for each item are totaled. The higher the score on the scale, the higher the stress level.
In addition to large stressful events, psychologists have recently come to believe that daily hassles may have
a larger detrimental impact on us than previously thought. Research suggests that these chronic stressors
are more predictive of physical and psychological illness than are the more acute stressors found on the
According to Lazarus, coping is the process of attempting to manage demands that are viewed as taxing or
exceeding one’s resources. It is the process of trying to manage and master stressful events. Researchers
distinguish between two types of coping that can occur simultaneously:
. Problem-Solving Efforts, which are attempts to do something constructive to change the stressful
. Emotion-Focused coping, which involves efforts to regulate the emotional reactions to stressful events.
What constitutes successful coping?