'Of course not Why should you think that?'
'Because nothing in the face fits the facts of history. And pictures have got shuffled' before now.'
'Oh, yes, of course they- have. But that is Richard all right. The original - or what is supposed to be the original - is at Windsor Castle. James told me. It is included in Henry VIII's inventory, so it has been there for four hundred years or so. And there are duplicates at Hatfield and Albury.'
'It's Richard,' Grant said resignedly. 'I just don't know anything about faces. Do you know anyone at the B.M.?'
'At the British Museum?' Marta asked, her attention still on the portrait. 'No, I don't think so. Not that I can think of at the moment. I went there once to look at some Egyptian jewellery, when I was playing Cleopatra with Geoffrey - did you ever see Geoffrey's Antony? it was superlatively genteel - but the place frightens me rather. Such a garnering 'of the ages. It made me feel the way the stars make you feel: small and no-account. What do you want of the B.M.?'
'I wanted some information about history written In Richard III's day. Contemporary accounts.'
'Isn't the sainted Sir Thomas any good, then?'
'The sainted Sir Thomas is nothing but an Old gossip,' Grant said with venom. He had taken a wild dislike to the much-admired More.
'Oh, dear. And the nice man at the Library seemed so reverent about him. The Gospel of Richard III according to St Thomas More, and all that.'
'Gospel nothing,' Grant said rudely. 'He was writing down in a Tudor England what someone had told him about events that happened in a Plantagenet England when he himself was five.'
'Five years old?'
'Oh, dear. Not exactly the horse's mouth.'
'Not even straight from the course. Come to think of it, it's as reliable as a bookie's tips would, be. He's on the wrong side of the rails altogether. If' he was a Tudor servant he was on the laying side where Richard III was concerned.'
'Yes. Yes, I suppose so. What do you want to find out about Richard, when there is no mystery to investigate?
'I want to know what made' him tick. That is a more pro-found mystery than anything I have come up against of late. What changed him almost overnight? Up to the moment of his brother's death he seems to have been entirely admirable. And devoted to his brother.'
'I suppose the supreme honour must always be a temptation.'
'He was Regent until the boy came of age. Protector of England. With his previous history, you would think that would have been enough for him. You would have thought, indeed, that it would have been very much his cup of tea: guardian of both Edward's son and the kingdom.'
'Perhaps the brat was unbearable, and Richard longed to "lam" him. Isn't it odd how we never think of victims as anything but white innocents. Like Joseph in the Bible. I'm sure he was a quite intolerable young man, actually, and long overdue for that pushing into the pit. Perhaps young Edward was just sitting up and begging to be quietly put down.'
'There were two of them,' Grant reminded her.
'Yes, of course. Of course there isn't an explanation. It was the ultimate barbarism. Poor little woolly lambs! Oh!'
'What was the "Oh" for?'
'I've just thought of something. Woolly lambs made me think of it.'
'No, I won't tell you in case it doesn't come off. I must fly.'
'Have you charmed Madeleine March into agreeing to write the play?'
'Well, she hasn't actually signed a contract yet, but I think she is sold on the idea. Au revoir, my' dear. I shall look in soon again.'
She went away, sped on her way by a blushing Amazon, and Grant did not remember anything about woolly lambs until the woolly lamb actually turned up in his 'room next evening. The woolly lamb was wearing horn-rimmed spectacles, which in some odd way emphasized the resemblance instead of detracting from it. Grant had been dozing, more at peace with the world than he had been for' some time; history was, as Matron had pointed out, an excellent way of acquiring a sense of perspective. The tap at his 'door was so tentative that he had decided that he had imagined it. Taps on hospital doors are not apt to be tentative:' But something made him say: 'Come in!